Wednesday 3 September 2014

Talyllyn & The Skarloey Railway

No. 6 "Douglas" - often identified as "Duncan".

As we all are aware, the Talyllyn Railway in Wales is home to the engines that were written into the Railway Series as:

Skarloey (Talyllyn) 
Rheneas (Dolgoch)
Sir Handel (Sir Haydn)
Edward Thomas (Peter Sam)
Midlander (Rusty)
Douglas (Duncan)
Tom Rolt (Ivo Hugh)
No.4 "Edward Thomas" in Pendre Works, 25 June 2014, receiving attention to his rods.

Presently, 5 of the steam engines listed above are in service (Sir Haydn's boiler certificate having expired in 2012 - presently on a UK fundraising tour.) Throughout the years since, the railway has welcomed the occasional 'visit' from one (or sometimes several!) famous engines from afar. Peter Sam, Sir Handle and, the star of the last few years, Duncan have all graced the rails of the seven-and-a-quarter mile line.

Many photographs have cropped up from Joe Public of these visitors, usually taken around the stations, halts, crossings or from bridges. However, there haven't been many 'specialist' photographs taken.

No.2 "Dolgoch" on shed on 25 June, ready to be prepared for the following day's 'Vintage Train'.

Therefore, it is my intention to try and arrange a 'Photo Charter' event featuring the classic Skarloey Railway engines on this beautiful line. This is, of course, dependant on whether or not the railway can legally host such an event - they may well own the locos and the rights to host the characters, but whether that extends to photographic events...

At present, I wish to gauge interest in such an event should it go ahead, before officially asking to host it. There would be a fee to anyone partaking to cover operational costs, and to raise funds for Sir Haydn's overhaul (or that for any engine needing one at the time the charter would take place.) Without this charge, an event would not occur as the railway would not run the stock for free, nor could I cover the full cost of such an event. 

The formations that would appear would all depend on what is available at the time, the costs involved, and the number of participants that would actually sign up to be involved. It would be nice to have three of the engines in steam with rakes of coaches or freight wagons, or, failing that, one engine out on the line. I would also hope to incorporate an on-shed setup, with as many of the engines available in their respective guises.

Dolgoch Falls - an ideal location for recreating a Series 4 shot?

So here are my questions to all of you:

Who would be interested in such an event, and would you be willing to pay to join the charter?

If I can prove there is definite interest, then there is more chance that it could take place some day.

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