Wednesday 29 May 2013

The TTTE Wikia

An apparently compulsory disclaimer that has to say something along the lines of the content of this post being the opinions of the author and of no other third party, as well as ensuring all that I do not represent the entire fanbase. All images used are done so under the fair use rule and no profit is made from this post (to my knowledge anyway- Google probably will from ads or something... but I digress.)

The TTTE wikia has been about for quite some time now, and is a site completely dedicated to providing well-sourced, researched and helpful information about almost everything Thomas!
It is, perhaps, the front line for Thomas fans worldwide to research information, history and stories of the hit series and books. 

The site is well-constructed, easy to navigate and interlinked; one page on one subject can contain a number of links to other pages on the site.

I must confess it is wonderful sight and being so easy to navigate certainly makes it my preference when coming to research the series. More and more information and pictures is added every day; episode guides to new series when they are announced, character appearance lists and trivia just keep me reading for hours.
Being a source of information in this format also helps give it an unbiased feel. The information is moderated to be purely factual and no personal opinion leaked in.

The creators of this site have really gone all out and I must state I feel they are the #1 online Thomas resource- Even Andrew Brenner uses them for research!

My praise goes out to those behind its workings.



  1. Hey. I was really happy when a friend linked me too this. I've been user for two years on the site and an admin for bout 6 months. I must say thank you for your positive comments. I am really glad you enjoy the wiki! A lot of hard work goes into it, as you have said.

    On behalf of the wiki admin team,

  2. As Director of Video Production, it's great to see someone take the time and effort out of their day to complement all of our user's work. We really appreciate it!

