Wednesday 29 May 2013

The TTTE Wikia

An apparently compulsory disclaimer that has to say something along the lines of the content of this post being the opinions of the author and of no other third party, as well as ensuring all that I do not represent the entire fanbase. All images used are done so under the fair use rule and no profit is made from this post (to my knowledge anyway- Google probably will from ads or something... but I digress.)

The TTTE wikia has been about for quite some time now, and is a site completely dedicated to providing well-sourced, researched and helpful information about almost everything Thomas!
It is, perhaps, the front line for Thomas fans worldwide to research information, history and stories of the hit series and books. 

The site is well-constructed, easy to navigate and interlinked; one page on one subject can contain a number of links to other pages on the site.

I must confess it is wonderful sight and being so easy to navigate certainly makes it my preference when coming to research the series. More and more information and pictures is added every day; episode guides to new series when they are announced, character appearance lists and trivia just keep me reading for hours.
Being a source of information in this format also helps give it an unbiased feel. The information is moderated to be purely factual and no personal opinion leaked in.

The creators of this site have really gone all out and I must state I feel they are the #1 online Thomas resource- Even Andrew Brenner uses them for research!

My praise goes out to those behind its workings.


Series 17 (and beyond!)

An apparently compulsory disclaimer that has to say something along the lines of the content of this post being the opinions of the author and of no other third party, as well as ensuring all that I do not represent the entire fanbase. All images used are done so under the fair use rule and no profit is made from this post (to my knowledge anyway- Google probably will from ads or something... but I digress.)

With a new writing team on board, and 5 'preview' episodes released, I think the general consensus is that series 17 is the best series (so far) in many a year. (For some, since series 7, others series 12.)
And with fresh news today that Duck is set for a comeback in more than just a background shot (unlike poor Trevor,) things keep looking to get better and better.

I thought it may be time to shed some light on my thoughts of the series' current incarnation.

Since the switchover to full CGI, the story qualities have declined rapidly. (In some respects, it has done that very slowly since series 8, but the majority occurred from series 13 onwards.) But since this recent Shake-up, whereby Sharon Miller has left and Andrew Brenner has become head writer, the promise and direction has returned.

Ms. Miller received a lot of criticism for her uniform writing style, which contained three strikes and the same faces repeatedly. Some tried to counter this saying she was NOT writing to a uniform style, to which I reply:

"If this is the case, then why DIDN'T she change the writing format?"

It can't have been that hard if Brenner has done it in just ONE break between series 16 and 17? For 4 series, we were subjected to the same stories, most from the same writer, featuring the same characters. I understand coming up with new ideas for 20 (now 26) episodes per series is tricky, but to rehash your own work time and time again is just beyond explanation.

In the 5 episodes of S\17 that we have been given, things already look brighter. And with the synopsis' for further episodes being revealed, we could indeed be on a whole new level for Thomas And Friends.

Not least worth note is the return of Duck. Throughout S13 to S16, not one classic character (that hadn't already been rendered) made a comeback after the faint glimmer of hope that was series 12. Brenner has been reported as saying he wishes to correct this to some degree and what a character he has chosen to begin this with.
Duck has been in high demand for a comeback for many years. Perhaps more so than many other classic faces. Awdry gave him a wonderful personality and basis which struck a chord with many of the fans and to have him back at long last is a delight. Time will tell if it will be worth the wait, but I am optimistic.
Other characters introduced in 'The Miller Years' seemingly for the merchandise benefits (Sidney and Scruff spring to mind as prominent examples) are also in the pipeline to be utilised. It would seem that Brenner has greater intentions for the series than some have yet to realise, making use of characters previously abandoned having had their toys manufactured.

But what about the future? With Duck back, could others be in for a return?

My short answer-


Some time ago, Nitrogen posted a video showing their displays of Thomas props. One thing stood out to me and that was how many of the models have been rendered in the show...

Most of the models on display have been, or are now, in the series. So could the ones on display that presently are not in the show soon be in the show? I suspect so, thus why these particular models are out there and not in Drayton Manor (like Stepney and Harvey (NB- rumour has it Harvey has now disappeared from the exhibit; could the suspicion of his return in KOTR hold more truth than we think?)).

I genuinely feel that soon, not immediately, we will have more familiar faces in the show in the form of Oliver and Molly. But only time will tell.

The only thing that is certain;

Thomas And Friends has a very promising future.

Until next time, 
Keep an open mind, but not an open door- that's how thieves get in.