Sunday 3 November 2019

Production Blog: 03/11/2019

Nearly six months since the last update, in which I spoke about the upcoming release of "Those Branch Line Engines" - whoops! Suffice to say, the episode has since been completed and released, so go watch it now, if you haven't already. If you like the soundtrack, then Mavis M has once again released the full score on their channel.

So, on to the current episode. Whereas Episode 2 took almost a year to complete (for various reasons relating to time and set pieces that were both in short supply) Episode 3 has actually progressed exceptionally quickly. In fact, filming is very near done as I write this.

Episode 3 has been written by Michael Evans (i.e. ThomasFan8 of "Jeopardy", "Mountain Engine" and "Bad Look Out" fame), and I am sure you will all love it. Michael has even been on set as assistant director, and decorated the sky backdrops with clouds. Mike is even working on some Visual Effects too; I love the outcome, and certainly feel that every episode is a step up from the one before - I hope you will agree.

There are some ambitious sets on this one too, new lighting and some new challenges arising from the subjects of the story. A rough edit with everything filmed so far has been reviewed, and there are one or two pick-ups to do, but otherwise everything is coming together nicely. 

Once again, Mavis is composing the score, and we already have some excellent pieces drafted, including something very special. In addition to my own Instagram and Twitter, keep watch on Mike's social media too for teasers - there are already a couple out there.

The Episode title will be revealed soon, with a target release of a vague "before Christmas" nature. Potentially two episodes in one year? Crazy!

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Production Blog: 29/05/2019

It's long overdue, but it's time for an update. Firstly, is the confirmation of the title; this was revealed on Twitter and Facebook a few weeks ago to be "Those Branch Line Engines". The above promotional still serves as a teaser for the episode.

I had hoped to have the episode ready much earlier in the year, but this obviously was not to be. Production was delayed whilst I waited on the parts for and completion of a major set-piece for the final scene. I'm pleased to confirm that filming is now all wrapped up and the initial edit (set to the dubbing track) is complete. This is now in the hands of the lovely Mavis M for the score to be composed. I will shortly commence the sound effects edit, after which it will be on to final review, preview and then (eventually) release.

In the meantime, I've taken the quiet spell I'm currently experiencing as an opportunity to get stuck in to pre-production of Episode 3. The script has been written, and today the dubbing track has been recorded. Some more planning is to be completed, but filming could very well begin soon.

I appreciate this isn't much of an update, but I hope it will at least serve to fill the gap, and show that things are definitely happening behind-the-scenes!

Watch this space and follow the social media pages for up-to-date news and announcement of the release date.


Saturday 19 January 2019

Production Blog: 19/01/2019

Only a small update but an update nonetheless. Episode 2 is progressing quite well indeed, with about 90% of the filming completed. I have just one last scene to shoot, but I won't have the time to do this until the start of February; this also allows me time to complete a few essential parts for the location to be used.

The title will be revealed once this final scene has been shot and the final edit is underway; a rough edit currently exists setting out the already-captured footage. I'm hoping that if all is completed to my schedule, the episode will launch at the start of March.
I'm not giving too much away about this episode either. If you've been following me on Twitter you may have seen the odd Behind The Scenes still, plus a preview clip on YouTube, but none of these reveal what the story is about. Even the pictures here have been carefully selected - I'm hoping this will mean people will be drawn in by the story more, not knowing too much about it in advance resulting in more enjoyment drawn from the first viewing.

One thing I will say is watch out for references to projects past and future - it's nice to acknowledge my roots sometimes because, without my past work, I would't be where I am today (not that I'm anything "big" really, but certainly better quality control than I used to be...)

That's all for now. Until next time.