Monday 16 February 2015

The Polls (Part 2): Which Secondary Characters Would You Like To See LESS Of?

I must apologise to all for taking so long to getting this posts done. Home life has not been a barrel of laughs lately, with all manner of things happening. I shall hopefully be able to catch up on these reviews this week.

The second of my polls; I must say I wasn't sure who would top this one. The results were:
  • Charlie - 554
  • Spencer - 62
  • Rocky - 57
  • Duck - 47
  • Cranky - 43
  • Hiro - 27
  • Bill and Ben - 26
  • Stephen - 24
  • Caitlin - 19
  • Kevin - 16
  • Victor - 15
  • Salty - 13
  • Oliver and Toad - 11
  • Connor, Porter, and Millie - 10
Some surprises in there, some not so much.

1. Charlie (554 votes)

I had suspicions that Charlie would bag the top spot. I wasn't certain, as there are numerous other characters that people share a loathing for. However, the shear number of votes that he received during this poll happily puts to bed any doubts about my reservations.

Following his introduction, Charlie was perhaps the most hated character ever to be introduced to the TV series. This shared hatred, I feel, brought the community together for a short while.
His odd choice of colour scheme, his poor jokes - being introduced when he was made us all feel the series had no hope left whatsoever.

Since the show has moved on and improved ten fold in the last two years, Charlie has subdued a little. However, he really doesn't do anything that any other characters do; or at least, nothing that more refined other characters do.

He's a joker, but so are Bill and Ben (though the latter two are more tricksters I suppose.) 
He's a shunter, but so are Stanley, Stafford, Rosie...........
He's a jolly, upbeat soul, but so is almost every other character in the series at the moment.

To me, Charlie is just another face. He serves no purpose as an individual. He was merely introduced as a gimmick, and has stuck around since then. Perhaps it would be best  if he were given better jokes? Or just returned to the mainland...

2. Spencer (62 Votes)

Perhaps Spencer was in the wrong category; he was part of the CGI switchover (and has been with us ever since) and each series, you are almost guaranteed an episode starring him.
Evidently not despised as much as Charlie, to take second place does still indicate that he's boring us.

For an engine who resides on the mainland as a private locomotive, he certainly spends a lot of time on Sodor. And this is the problem.
Not just with Spencer, but ALL the mainlanders. They seem to spend less time there than on Sodor, contradicting their designation of "mainland engines." In a similar vein to that of Thomas in the previous poll, we see too much of them to fully appreciate them and their appearances.

If Spencer went to the mainland and vanished for a while, we'd more likely enjoy his first episode back much more than any other episode. It would also allow time for some personality refinement; every episode is still very much "pompous old Spencer brags and gets his comeuppance." It would be nice to see him grow as a character a small amount in some way. Perhaps he could tone down his boastfulness, choosing not to brag. Then when he helps someone out or does something that is suited to solely himself, that can bring out bis egotistical side once more?

3. Rocky (57 Votes)

Ahh Rocky. The "replacement of the breakdown crane!"

Over the last few years, we've seen more and more characters be made from the everyday objects on Sodor. Such crazy heights we have reached, that we now even have a boilerhouse with a face.

Rocky is an odd one. I can't help feel that this may be the classic fanatics holding a grudge for his alleged displacement of the breakdown train. To me, he's no big deal - there are worse characters out there.
All I can think is that he suffers like Spencer - too much pointless screentime.

Rolling stock characters are awkward to write for. Whilst the trucks are troublesome and play a role in the everyday workings, and Annie and Clarabell are Thomas' faithful companions on the branch, Rocky can't do much else other than lift things.
He's not anybody's personal item of stock, he doesn't get collected and taken for joyrides. As a character, he doesn't, nor can, do much. He merely exists to give a fresh voice to the scenes that require him - nobody stops to have a conversation with Rocky during the day.

It's awkward, as without him, some of his rescue scenes would have awkward silences, or the narrator talking over. But at the same time, does he really contribute anything major on his own?

4. Duck (47 Votes)

Now we get to the controversial one.

After so many years of people begging for a return, why is Duck being requested to have less of?

I hark back to the originals. Duck, from the off, was popular. He made himself known to take no nonsense, but a hard worker above all else. He had his own way of doing things, which the others all accepted. Duck was not a constant on-screen presence. He cropped up for a few episodes, all spread out across the series, and then waited patiently for the next batch before returning to the limelight. This, to me, simulates the stories moving around the island. You visit each individual place which has its own set of characters, and return to favourites in their place again later on.

It is, perhaps, exactly this spacing out of his appearances, coupled with the fact he got maybe two or three lead roles, that made him such a popular character. I appreciate the current team bringing him back and including him to appease us.
At the same time, I don't want him to lose his appeal. Like Thomas, he has his own branch line. But also like Thomas, he seems to be everywhere. If he could be featured occasionally, and appear when necessary, I think people would be much more comfortable. (And perhaps less "Great Western Way" - it gets a bit repetitive.)

At the same time, people need to be much less picky - we have him back, which, above all else, is Great!

6. Cranky (43 Votes)

The first structure without wheels to don a personality perhaps?

Whenever we see the docks, you will inevitably get Cranky. But perhaps it would be nice to get some scenes away from the dock front?
I can't write much here, as I've never encountered much (or any!) negativity for this character, so seems a little odd him being voted to fifth place. Perhaps we just need less of the docks full stop and explore some of the other locations on the Island?

Other thoughts...

I would have thought Hiro would be higher up; he left at the end of Hero Of The Rails for the want to return to his homeland, and returned almost instantly. Did he not like it back home after all? He seems to be included in the background more these days, but could really benefit from some "away time" to make us miss him... or not.

Bill and Ben, I refer to Duck. They make great characters for a bit of true comic relief (unlike Charlie). If they do have so many appearances though, it will become increasingly hard to write fresh jokes, tricks etc for them.

I think with Stephen, people are still thinking about series 17, where he was a constant presence. Series 18, he appeared once (I believe?) I very much enjoyed seeing him in "Marion and the Dinosaur", and this is a perfect example of what I refer to previously; having been off-screen for a while, I really enjoyed the time he spent on screen, however short it may have been.

That's all for this one - next up, it's the supporting characters.