Friday 29 August 2014

Review: Signals Crossed

I was planning to do weekly recap reviews - many people do daily reviews, so I'll do weekly. However, I thought this episode needed reviewing first and alone given the mixed feelings that circulate this in the fanbase at the moment.

But first, An apparently compulsory disclaimer that has to say something along the lines of the content of this post being the opinions of the author and of no other third party, as well as ensuring all that I do not represent the entire fanbase. All images used are done so under the fair use rule and no profit is made from this post (to my knowledge anyway- Google probably will from ads or something... but I digress.)

So, onto the episode at hand. Since HiT entertainment took over the series, many characters have, it has been felt, been butchered as the series' progressed, Toby being one of these characters. He has transformed from a wise, gentle tram engine who had experienced a lot and was looked up to by his friends, to a cowering, timid shadow of his former self, afraid to even turn wheel in a wood.

When I first read the synopsis for today's broadcast, I was sceptical to say the least. Since Brenner and his new team took on the mantle, the writing has improved ten-fold; there are obvious exceptions but the general quality is vastly improved. But to hear that Toby was nervous of passing through the gantry didn't feel right. Toby will have seen signals throughout his life. They are always there on Sodor; have been in the past and forever will be - they are essential.
That said, we also found out that Knapford Station had received a redesign. The gantry was a new addition to this set, so perhaps (I thought) that would play a part to the story. After all, Toby is old, and as you age, you tend to get more cautious, especially to something unfamiliar.

I was, therefore, somewhat disappointed to have the episode throw us in without explanation. A simple small edit to the script would have put Toby in fine character I feel, whilst not losing the structure of the episode:

"Recently, Knapford Station had undergone some important track work, and a new signal gantry towered above the line. This arrangement was new to Toby, and he found himself getting confused by the changes."

The episode could continue as normal there-onwards. The context is a little different, but it doesn't maintain the 'cowering old codger' persona Toby has adopted.

However, we have what we have. And, despite all this, I found the episode was quite enjoyable. Arc's animation is, as always, sublime, and they've evidently done their research on signals (although I'm unsure about the 'distant' signals, which always seem to be set at danger... These are designed to tell engines what the next signal is set at - an advanced warning per say.) I would like to point out something though.

"It's the signal directly above your line..."

Can you spot the problem? The first image, there are two lines (or three if you include the siding off-screen), but numerous signal posts on the gantry - three above Toby's line itself. In the second one, there is not a single post above Toby's line. 

I must confess I like James' arrogance at the end of this episode, and pushing Toby forwards believing the tram has missed his signal. His apology was quite nice - he obviously doesn't like admitting he's wrong, let alone apologising when he does.
 It's not like The Fat Controller, meanwhile, to disregard safety in such a way. A quick glance up at the gantry himself and he would have seen Toby was right, rather than disregarding Toby as some doddery old fool as he seemingly does. (I did, however, smile at the fact it gave his... bodyguard... a chance to whisper a line.) His 'You are a really useful engine' line felt forced though. I wouldn't say it is 'useful' to not go past a signal at danger. Perhaps 'observant' is the word that he should have used?

Now on to the big bit.


When we first heard she was to receive a face, there was uproar; outrage! How could this character, who has gone throughout the TV Series without a face, be suddenly receiving one. I, like so many, wasn't entirely won over. And I admit, the fact she has suddenly been dropped in without any explanation is a little confusing - surely small children who have seen previous series will be confused by this sudden change?

But after today's episode, I can say it was a good choice to make on the production team's part. Thomas has Annie and Clarabel, whom have begun interacting with one another more these days. Henrietta has played a crucial role in this episode in being Toby's reassurance. I'm sure that, in future, she'll continue to play a vital role with the tram engine.

Overall, it's a good episode. Obviously not great, but far from terrible. It showed off the new Knapford layout in all it's glory, and gave Toby a stronger role compared to those he's had previously. I'm hopeful that, from this episode onwards, Toby's persona will be refined and brought back to what it once was.


  • Did anyone else get fed up of 'The NUMBER SEVEN BROWN TRAM ENGINE" being emphasised?
  • Was that Ferdinand? (Uh oh...)
  • The worker with the flags to replace the signal - nice touch. Pretty much what they would do. Shame he has no high-visibility jacket if we're going down the safety route so strictly...

And finally....

Exactly where did Gordon come from at speed with the express?


Wednesday 27 August 2014

The Mystery Of Donald, Douglas & BoCo

Recently, some Series 18 episode titles came to light on the T.V. Rage website.Originally, they were disregarded as fake by many, including  myself I openly admit, not least because of the poor grammar that gave them an amateur-y feel, (who the heck is Marlon anyway, and how can Percy lose his missing Gator - it's already missing!)

However, this morning it was found that 'MARION And The Pipe' is the real deal! Which begs the question, 'Could more of these titles be genuine?' The title that has the most fuss over is that of the alleged episode 16, 'Old Stuck Up.' Why you ask? Well, read this description:

"A visiting Diesel causes trouble when he makes remarks about the engines of the Sodor Railway. Can BoCo change his mind or will the visitor be sent home in shame?"

It could be very possible that the one diesel character that has been requested by the mass for a comeback, namely BoCo, is due to appear in the CGI era after an absence from the show of 16 years!

However, this is where the querying arises.

The title and synopsis match that of the Railway Series story of the same name. We have not had a direct Railway Series story adaptation since the fourth series in 1995. If this holds any truth, then we could be seeing the first Railway Series story on-screen not only in nearly twenty years, but the first in this new era of the show, which could give much hope to future possibilities.

So far, we have had Oliver and Toad return, with Duncan also due for a comeback. The impression is given that we could, like last series, have 5 returnees; that's three so far. Who might be next?
Voice actor Joe Mills has, inadvertently, spilt the beans to 2 more classic returnees, Numbers 9 and 10 - Donald & Douglas - who appear to have speaking roles in next years cinema release. (The names have since been removed and his statement altered, assumed to be at the request of HiT / Mattel.) There is an air of assumption that the two engines will therefore be appearing in the eighteenth series ahead of this - after all, Duck wasn't seen in 'King Of The Railway,' but cameoed in 'Tale Of The Brave' following his return last series.
In contrast however, and in terms of continuity, Oliver returned (albeit in cameo form only) accompanying his GWR brother in TOTB, and then went on to receive a role amongst the episodes that followed.

Backing up the assumption of the Scots return this year, a recent statement issued hinted that a nineteenth series has not yet been signed off.

Could Donald and Douglas, however, be receiving the same treatment as Oliver and Toad, but play a larger part to next year's adventure, and thus be absent from the current series? If more of the suspect episode titles turn out to be true, then the chance that BoCo is to return this year grows ever more larger.

But that's the not the big question.

The BIG question is...

If Donald & Douglas do return in next year's special, and BoCo in the eighteenth series, who could the fifth returnee be?